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Image by Gaël Gaborel - OrbisTerrae


Prophetic  Warnings

There are many events in the days, months, and years to come that will affect all of us around the world. Plague, world war, economic downfall, famine, a new financial structure, and more. Scroll below to stay up to date with prophetic information so that you can be prepared as much as possible. 

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October 4 2024

There will be an Explosion Right Before the Earthquake Occurs in California Along the San Andreas Fault Line

Could this happen on October 18th?

I had a prophetic dream back in September that showed me about an earthquake in California that I believe will be happening this month. At the time the 18th was standing out to me but I didn't want to say anything in advance in case I was wrong, so I read into this date a second time yesterday, and the 18th is still showing as a number of significance. I am praying that I am wrong, and I am praying that the outcome will not be as severe as I believe it to be. Now there is a chance that this could be next month on the 18th, I will not rule anything out because predicting time frames isn't easy, but what I will share with you is that this will be happening very soon and I'm hoping that you will keep this Friday in mind just in case.


In my vision, I saw this earthquake happening during the day but I can't help but feel that this may happen in the darkness of night when it will catch people off guard the most. This could mean that it will happen in the wee hours when the full destruction is seen at first light.


In my dream, I saw huge explosives bound together. Half of them were in the water and half were out of the water and it appeared as though they had been there for a while waiting for just the right time to be set off. Then I saw a green laser beam coming down directly towards the explosives but they were off just a little bit to the left by a few feet so they didn’t ignite. While it was easy to see this green beam coming down during the vision it is not a beam that people would likely be able to see with their natural eyes because it will be very quick and almost unnoticeable and undetectable. However, if someone is videotaping the event as it's occurring they will be able to catch it on video. After the first failed attempt, they modified the coordinates by just a few feet and the second time the green laser beam came down, it hit the explosives perfectly and it ignited an explosion that set off the earthquake. Several explosives were going along the fault line that were detonating at the same time. The pressure wave from the explosion will propagate through the ground and cause an earthquake. In fact, an explosion could trigger a fault rupture and cause a major quake felt up and down the state. This will be an engineered earthquake that will cause great destruction in California. This will not be a result of foreign enemies, it will be a domestic attack. Now to a lot of people that may sound really far-fetched, and to some, it will not.  As to why this would happen, there's a very long answer for that, but some people are not ready to hear it.  But what I will tell you is that this will not be the first engineered earthquake to devastate our nation. There will be more, especially along the New Madrid fault line in the Midwest according to Brandon Biggs. That one may happen in the spring, possibly April/May of 2025.

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October 3 2024

Major Earthquake, Tsunami, and Yellowstone National Park Volcano Warning for the West Coast of the US and Canada, Alaska, Japan, Hawaii and Surrounding Countries. 

This will happen soon, most likely October, 2024

Anyone residing or visiting the western states please be careful. A very destructive earthquake is going to happen soon. I’ll keep reading into this, but right now it feels like it will happen in about two weeks +/-. Yellowstone will erupt right before the big earthquake happens, and that will be your warning to evacuate east immediately. You can expect the magnitude to be at least a 9 on the Richter scale and will be extremely violent. There could be multiple large earthquakes back to back as well. The shaking will be felt for hundreds of miles, and divide the West Coast from the continent, where large portions of land will be displaced in the ocean water. Many will be caught off guard and sadly perish. This breaks my heart. Please warn everyone you know to be aware of the signs. I believe that this will happen this month, and yes, this event has been engineered, so the timing can be modified.




ADDITION: I finally found Brandon’s video where he describes this event with a lot more detail so I’m adding it here. He mentioned that the earthquake would be felt in Alaska and the West Coast of Canada and the US. A huge tsunami will affect Alaska, Japan, and Hawaii. Japan will be destroyed by this. As if Alaska didn’t have enough to deal with, they will have a massive fire to contend with as well.


I am keeping everyone in my prayers.

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September 23, 2024

Are the two moons in September, October, and November 2024 a sign of the Rapture?

There Might be a Correlation Between the Two Events

Did you know that we will have two moons beginning September 29th for 56 days? One will be bigger than the other and shine more brightly. They claim that it is an asteroid that will leave its astral belt and be pulled in by Earth's gravitational pull until November 25th when it will go back to join its astral belt again. But if it gets sucked into our orbit how would it be able to pull away? Would the astral belt still be there after two months? And how would they know the exact date it would leave?  I have questions!


Anyway, something that I learned after moving down to Florida is that the moon is powerful enough to affect the ocean's tide through its gravitational pull. We have a full moon once a month when the Earth is between the moon and the sun and they're all lined up which increases the gravitational pull causing the oceans to bulge a bit more than usual. This means that we have high tides with a full moon. When we don't see the moon the ocean is pulled back out (and bulges from the extra water) until the next moon comes around and it comes back to land again. Wild, right?


When we have two moons the high and low tides will amplify which could cause huge tides which would result in a lot of tsunamis. To put things in perspective, most tsunamis are less than 10 feet high when they hit land but can reach over 100 feet high. Mega tsunamis can reach several hundred meters in height and travel up to 12 miles inland. That's sort of terrifying because I live 7.5 miles from the beach. There have been a lot of people who are having prophetic dreams lately about tsunamis and claiming that they're going to be huge. One person even saw two tsunamis hitting into each other.


Two moons will also mean a full eclipse every month that will darken twice the amount of earth.


So here's where it gets interesting. They're claiming that this is an asteroid, but then later said it was going to be a moon.


The Book Of Manuscripts mentions (I'm not sure which one) "it will look like a new star in the heavens... and grow bigger until it completely covers the sun...a planet larger than Jupiter and red in color. It has a comet-like tail of debris" Another part says "It will burn brightly and redly, there will be a copper hue over the earth followed by a day of darkness. A new moon will appear and break up and fall." (<--- Remember this.) And another verse "The people will scatter in madness. They will hear the trumpet and battlecry and return to their dens..."


Could this be touching on the three days of darkness and the warning to go home and shut all doors and windows and place the blood of the lamb over the doors for protection?


Revelation says "When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth..." meaning when the asteroid breaks up and falls.


We're getting ready to open the 6th seal. Also, could this mean that when we have the two moons the big earthquake on the Pacific coast will happen?


Soooo, is this a sign?


Something else that I thought was interesting!


Scientists expect the star of Jacob to appear this month on September 27th. The last time it appeared was when Jesus died and was resurrected over 2000 years ago, but this time it will be 15,000 times brighter.


I can't find the video but someone else was talking about the Star of David appearing soon.


Jesus recently told one of his prophets that we will begin to see "signs and wonders in the sky" and told another one "...there will be a bright white light in the sky touching all four corners of the earth. Everyone will see this bright light. Look up my children for where I am I will call upon my chosen ones, my loyal ones will come home...." (and how we need to repent quickly because what lies ahead is destruction, a time that we're not meant to be here for).


Could the two moons (with one shining more brightly than the other) indicate a time of the rapture?


Jesus told Brandon that the "great harvest of souls" will be from Rosh Hashanah to Rosh Hashanah (Oct 2nd, 2024 to Oct 2nd, 2025) and that the rapture will happen in waves, which leads me to believe that there will be more than one harvest of souls happening to allow the people who are not completely in alignment, time to get things in order. But the main point to bringing this up is that Rosh Hashanah occurs during the time that the two moons will be orbiting the Earth when the light in the sky is present for all four corners of the Earth to see, a sign that Jesus is coming. Could these two events be tied together?


A few months ago Jesus was telling his prophets "We're running out of time. Please share this with my children so that they can come home. They must repent now before it’s too late.…" when it came to the rapture. But recently his message has changed to “We're out of time. The last grain of sand has fallen. The time is now. My children must repent now." There’s a sense of urgency in his recent messages that leads me to believe that this will be happening very soon, much sooner than most people expect it to happen. These are some pretty credible people who absolutely have a direct connection to Jesus, and I do believe them. I can see and feel all of this happening, and started having visions and dreams myself regarding the rapture and tribulation beginning 10 years ago, but never did I feel that I would witness such an event in my lifetime. It blows my mind really.


Going back to the two moons that are going to appear later this month, I find this absolutely fascinating and honestly don’t know if there is a connection between this event and the rapture that’s coming ahead, and I do realize that no one will know the exact date or time that this will happen. All I know is that it will happen soon.


If there is anything that you can contribute to the above to help connect the dots please feel free to comment below. I’m totally invested!


Keep your head up towards the sky and form a relationship with Jesus that is authentic and willing!







September 10, 2024

A New Virus Is Coming We Need to Prepare Now

Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, and Mullein

Can these natural remedies help with the upcoming Virus? Antidote revealed.

Back in July 2022, I had predicted that there would be another major pandemic coming out that would be much worse than what we saw with Covid. This virus will have a huge impact around the world and everything will seem like it's going to stop. Production in every facet of our economy and our lives will be at a standstill for at least 6 months, going into a full year before most people are comfortable coming out of their homes with any type of normalcy. I'm not here to spread fear, please know that, but I'm going to be very honest with you because you need to prepare for this event as there will be no cure, no vaccine, and will be highly contagious. I will be making another post with more details regarding this new virus, but I'd like to spread awareness first about how we can try to maneuver through this next pandemic with a few herbal remedies that may have an impact on our well-being that have been used in the past.


Let me start by acknowledging that there are others who have the gift of seeing and knowing, and some who have a very special relationship with Jesus and can hear from him directly. They're truly blessed beyond measure and anointed by Christ himself to spread his prophecy. On May 19th TimeWithGodsChild received a message from Jesus verifying that sickness is coming. He continued to tell her that "Sarsaprilla heals all, there are many about to fall." She revealed that it can heal Leprosy, something that was around back when Jesus was here on Earth, so it's a natural remedy that he would have been familiar with, but his message was a remedy for an illness yet to come. When I looked up Sarsaparilla, various websites claim that it may help with cancer, psoriasis, kidney disease, arthritis, syphilis, protects the liver, etc. Aside from all of these great things that it can help, I discovered through my research that it also helps with viruses that result in boils. That was huge to see because it reminded me of something that Brandon Biggs said back in July through his prophecies. He said that we're going to encounter an airborne virus that will be the worst we've seen since the 1300's. A plague that would be like the “shadow of death”, also known as the Bubonic Plague. When I started reading about this sickness I noticed that it also resulted in boils. Could there be a commonality between what is coming and the black plague? Is Jesus giving us the antidote to the new virus that is to come?


Brandon went on to say that there won't be a cure or vaccine for this deadly virus that is going to claim more than 350,000,000 lives worldwide, so if there's anything that may help ease the illness or its symptoms, it might be a good idea to at least have it in your herbal arsenal just in case. Let's keep going...


Sassafras' benefits are very similar to Sarsaparilla in that there are claims that it can help with syphilis, bronchitis, high blood pressure, gout, arthritis, skin problems, and cancer, but it also detoxifies the body, purifies the blood, rids the body of toxins and helps with fevers. I can see why this would have been mentioned in TimeWithGodsChild's visitation.


Something that I'd like to bring to the table is a plant called Mullein. Mullein is an expectorant that thins mucus (phlegm) and makes it easier to cough up. It’s helpful for any lung condition that can lead to inflammation or infection. Before antibiotics, it was a go-to herbal remedy for Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and respiratory illness. These days, it’s mostly used for less serious conditions, like allergies, sore throat, Tonsillitis and to fight germs.


How do you take these herbal remedies? Here's what I found out online, but please research for yourself based on the herb of choice. You can buy them online in a few different forms. There's a tincture, capsule, raw root//plant/leaf, or powder. The length of time your tincture lasts will vary depending on the type of tincture you have, the type of carrier oil used, and the method of storage you use. In general, the range you can expect your tincture to last is between six months and three years if it's made with vegetable glycerin. If made from 80% proof alcohol they can last anywhere from a decade to forever. Capsules, raw plant/root/leaf and powder can last a year before they start to lose their potency. Be sure to shelve these in a dark cool place.


Timeline When This Will Happen. It can be tricky predicting when this will break out but I strongly feel that it will be here next year in 2025, however, I wouldn't be surprised if it started spreading somewhere in the world before the end of this year. We can pray for a delay in the virus, but it is imminent. The moment you hear of this virus spreading pull your kids out of school immediately and homeschool them or inform the school that you'll be participating in online learning.


If you can, try to stock up on your PPE supplies and natural remedies as soon as you can before panic buying sets in and supplies run out of stock or the price of supplies skyrockets due to demand. ​I highly recommend buying the N95 masks or P100 masks that are NIOSH Approved, or better. Surgical masks won't be effective in preventing the spread, and KN95 masks are not made in the US so they may or may not be as effective as N95 masks. Having said that, I'd still choose KN95 masks over surgical masks if the others are completely sold out. If surgical masks are the only ones available wear multiple at a time if you can. Gloves, disinfectant wipes, soaps, cleansers, etc., buy it all now if you can. Do things to boost your immune system, eat healthy, get enough sleep, exercise, maybe lift some weights to make your body stronger, or lose those few extra pounds that you were thinking about losing. Try to get your body as strong as you possibly can.


And most importantly, pray! Keep Jesus close, have faith and trust that he'll keep you safe! Stay positive! This will not affect the body of Christ and those who are faithful to our Lord! Don't fear! Prepare, but don't fear! We got this!



PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR TO MAKE SURE THAT THESE MEDICINAL REMEDIES ARE SAFE FOR YOU TO TAKE. I am not providing medical advice, this is just my opinion based on my research of the plant(s). I make no claims to the validity of their effectiveness. Please do your own research.

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August 17, 2024

Monkeypox and Sarracenia Purpurea

With Monkeypox spreading I thought I would add this to my blog to bring awareness to its properties. Sarracenia Purpurea (purple pitcher plant) might be something to consider if you've contracted the illness and you're looking for a natural approach.


According to the National Library Of Medicine, smallpox ravaged the United States and Canada in the nineteenth century. At this time, a botanical preparation, derived from the carnivorous plant Sarracenia Purpurea, was proclaimed a successful therapy for smallpox infections. The work described characterizes the anti-poxvirus activity associated with this botanical extract against vaccinia virus, MONKEYPOX virus, and variola virus, the causative agent of smallpox. Their work demonstrates the in vitro characterization of Sarracenia Purpurea as the first effective inhibitor of poxvirus replication at the level of early viral transcription. With the renewed threat of poxvirus-related infections, their results indicate Sarracenia Purpurea may act as another defensive measure against Orthopoxvirus infections.


​​National Library Of Medicine



PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR TO MAKE SURE THAT THESE MEDICINAL REMEDIES ARE SAFE FOR YOU TO TAKE. I am not providing medical advice, this is just my opinion based on my research of the plant(s). I make no claims to the validity of their effectiveness. Please do your own research.



July 28, 2024

A Warning

Pestilence | Famine | War

Listen to my voice. Look to me for I am the Lord. It is time to waken for I the Lord am coming to bring hope back to my people, a rejuvenation, a re-birth to my land, but not before my work is done. For what is coming in the days ahead is for thy enemy that came upon this earth to destroy what I have created. They will feel my justice bestowed upon them with eternal condemnation for I have given the enemy warnings to end the evil that they are bringing upon my people but they do not listen. No. What they are planning is not what I want for my children and it is time that they are dismantled. They have plans to flood the lands of my people with a plague that is far greater than what you've ever seen before. A war of many nations coming together only to destroy what you have. I have given them the seeds to turn this around but they ignore me with their defiance, their ignorance. They will continue to move on with their plan to hurt nations in ways that will affect you the most. If money is the highest value that you hold in your life, it will be depleted. If family is more important to you, they will be taken from you. Famine will reach everyone. Sickness will blanket the earth and will affect those who live by faith and those who do not. Those who live a life through me and are afflicted with pestilence will be healed and preserved, and those who do not live by faith and do not understand the power of my name, will perish. Now is the time to RISE UP, to repent, to declare my glory among the nations and lead your life through my name and my father's name. Look to me, not your enemy, not your worries, or what lies before you. LOOK TO ME for salvation. Pray, and have faith that I am beside you, protecting you. I hear your prayers and those raising their voices for me to help. I hear your cries and pleas. Do not fear the tribulation that is coming, for it is intended not for you, but for your enemy.


Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper.



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