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A New Deadly Virus Is Coming

Being prepared for the upcoming Virus will be vital as this next one will have a much bigger impact on lives than the last one.

Back in July 2022, I had predicted that there would be another major pandemic coming out that would be much worse than what we saw with Covid. This virus will have a huge impact around the world and everything will seem like it's going to stop. Production in every facet of our economy and our lives will be at a standstill for at least 6 months, going into a full year before most people are comfortable coming out of their homes with any type of normalcy. I'm not here to spread fear, please know that, but I'm going to be very honest with you because you need to prepare for this event as there will be no cure, no vaccine, and will be highly contagious. I will be making another post with more details regarding this new virus, but I'd like to spread awareness first with how we can try to maneuver through this next pandemic with a few herbal remedies that may have an impact on our well-being that have been used in the past.

Let me start by acknowledging that there are others who have the gift of seeing and knowing, and some who have a very special relationship with Jesus and can hear from him directly. They're truly blessed beyond measure and anointed by Christ himself to spread his prophecy. On May 19th TimeWithGodsChild received a message from Jesus verifying that sickness is coming. He continued to tell her that "Sarsaprilla heals all, there are many about to fall." She revealed that it can heal Leprosy, something that was around back when Jesus was here on Earth, so it's a natural remedy that he would have been familiar with, but his message was a remedy for an illness yet to come. When I looked up Sarsaparilla, various websites claim that it may help with cancer, psoriasis, kidney disease, arthritis, syphilis, protects the liver, etc. Aside from all of these great things that it can help, I discovered through my research that it also helps with viruses that result in boils. That was huge to see because it reminded me of something that Brandon Biggs said back in July through his prophecies. He said that we're going to encounter an airborne virus that will be the worst we've seen since the 1300's. A plague that would be like the “shadow of death”, also known as the Bubonic Plague. When I started reading about this sickness I noticed that it also resulted in boils. Could there be a commonality between what is coming and the black plague? Is Jesus giving us the antidote to the new virus that is to come?

Brandon went on to say that there won't be a cure or vaccine for this deadly virus that is going to claim more than 350,000,000 lives worldwide, so if there's anything that may help ease the illness or its symptoms, it might be a good idea to at least have it in your herbal arsenal just in case. Let's keep going...

Sassafras' benefits are very similar to Sarsaparilla in that there are claims that it can help with syphilis, bronchitis, high blood pressure, gout, arthritis, skin problems, and cancer, but it also detoxifies the body, purifies the blood, rids the body of toxins and helps with fevers. I can see why this would have been mentioned in TimeWithGodsChild's visitation.


Something that I'd like to bring to the table is a plant called Mullein. Mullein is an expectorant that thins mucus (phlegm) and makes it easier to cough up. It’s helpful for any lung condition that can lead to inflammation or infection. Before antibiotics, it was a go-to herbal remedy for Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and respiratory illness. These days, it’s mostly used for less serious conditions, like allergies, sore throat, Tonsillitis and to fight germs.

How do you take these herbal remedies? Here's what I found out online, but please research for yourself based on the herb of choice. You can buy them online in a few different forms. There's a tincture, capsule, raw root//plant/leaf, or powder. The length of time your tincture lasts will vary depending on the type of tincture you have, the type of carrier oil used, and the method of storage you use. In general, the range you can expect your tincture to last is between six months and three years if it's made with vegetable glycerin. If made from 80% proof alcohol they can last anywhere from a decade to forever. Capsules, raw plant/root/leaf and powder can last a year before they start to lose their potency. Be sure to shelve these in a dark cool place.

Timeline When This Will Happen. It can be tricky predicting when this will break out but I strongly feel that it will be here next year in 2025, however, I wouldn't be surprised if it started spreading somewhere in the world before the end of this year. We can pray for a delay in the virus, but it is imminent. The moment you hear of this virus spreading pull your kids out of school immediately and homeschool them or inform the school that you'll be participating in online learning.

If you can, try to stock up on your PPE supplies and natural remedies as soon as you can before panic buying sets in and supplies run out of stock or the price of supplies skyrockets due to demand. ​I highly recommend buying the N95 masks or P100 masks that are NIOSH Approved, or better. Surgical masks won't be effective in preventing the spread, and KN95 masks are not made in the US so they may or may not be as effective as N95 masks. Having said that, I'd still choose KN95 masks over surgical masks if the others are completely sold out. If surgical masks are the only ones available wear multiple at a time if you can. Gloves, disinfectant wipes, soaps, cleansers, etc., buy it all now if you can. Do things to boost your immune system, eat healthy, get enough sleep, exercise, maybe lift some weights to make your body stronger, or lose those few extra pounds that you were thinking about losing. Try to get your body as strong as you possibly can.

And most importantly, pray! Keep Jesus close, have faith and trust that he'll keep you safe! Stay positive! This will not affect the body of Christ and those who are faithful to our Lord! Don't fear! Prepare, but don't fear! We got this!


PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR TO MAKE SURE THAT THESE MEDICINAL REMEDIES ARE SAFE FOR YOU TO TAKE. I am not providing medical advice, this is just my opinion based on my research of the plant(s). I make no claims to the validity of their effectiveness. Please do your own research.


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