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Are the two moons in September, October, and November 2024 a sign of the Rapture?

Did you know that we will have two moons beginning September 29th for 56 days? One will be bigger than the other and shine more brightly. They claim that it is an asteroid that will leave its astral belt and be pulled in by Earth's gravitational pull until November 25th when it will go back to join its astral belt again. But if it gets sucked into our orbit how would it be able to pull away? Would the astral belt still be there after two months? And how would they know the exact date it would leave?  I have questions!

Anyway, something that I learned after moving down to Florida is that the moon is powerful enough to affect the ocean's tide through its gravitational pull. We have a full moon once a month when the Earth is between the moon and the sun and they're all lined up which increases the gravitational pull causing the oceans to bulge a bit more than usual. This means that we have high tides with a full moon. When we don't see the moon the ocean is pulled back out (and bulges from the extra water) until the next moon comes around and it comes back to land again. Wild, right?

When we have two moons the high and low tides will amplify which could cause huge tides which would result in a lot of tsunamis. To put things in perspective, most tsunamis are less than 10 feet high when they hit land but can reach over 100 feet high. Mega tsunamis can reach several hundred meters in height and travel up to 12 miles inland. That's sort of terrifying because I live 7.5 miles from the beach. There have been a lot of people who are having prophetic dreams lately about tsunamis and claiming that they're going to be huge. One person even saw two tsunamis hitting into each other.

Two moons will also mean a full eclipse every month that will darken twice the amount of earth.

So here's where it gets interesting. They're claiming that this is an asteroid, but then later said it was going to be a moon.

The Book Of Manuscripts mentions (I'm not sure which one) "it will look like a new star in the heavens... and grow bigger until it completely covers the sun...a planet larger than Jupiter and red in color. It has a comet-like tail of debris" Another part says "It will burn brightly and redly, there will be a copper hue over the earth followed by a day of darkness. A new moon will appear and break up and fall." (<--- Remember this.) And another verse "The people will scatter in madness. They will hear the trumpet and battlecry and return to their dens..."

Could this be touching on the three days of darkness and the warning to go home and shut all doors and windows and place the blood of the lamb over the doors for protection?

Revelation says "When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth..." meaning when the asteroid breaks up and falls.

We're getting ready to open the 6th seal. Also, could this mean that when we have the two moons the big earthquake on the Pacific coast will happen?

Soooo, is this a sign?

Something else that I thought was interesting!

Scientists expect the star of Jacob to appear this month on September 27th. The last time it appeared was when Jesus died and was resurrected over 2000 years ago, but this time it will be 15,000 times brighter.

I can't find the video but someone else was talking about the Star of David appearing soon.

Jesus recently told one of his prophets that we will begin to see "signs and wonders in the sky" and told another one "...there will be a bright white light in the sky touching all four corners of the earth. Everyone will see this bright light. Look up my children for where I am I will call upon my chosen ones, my loyal ones will come home...." (and how we need to repent quickly because what lies ahead is destruction, a time that we're not meant to be here for).

Could the two moons (with one shining more brightly than the other) indicate a time of the rapture?

Jesus told Brandon that the "great harvest of souls" will be from Rosh Hashanah to Rosh Hashanah (Oct 2nd, 2024 to Oct 2nd, 2025) and that the rapture will happen in waves, which leads me to believe that there will be more than one harvest of souls happening to allow the people who are not completely in alignment, time to get things in order. But the main point to bringing this up is that Rosh Hashanah occurs during the time that the two moons will be orbiting the Earth when the light in the sky is present for all four corners of the Earth to see, a sign that Jesus is coming. Could these two events be tied together?

A few months ago Jesus was telling his prophets "We're running out of time. Please share this with my children so that they can come home. They must repent now before it’s too late.…" when it came to the rapture. But recently his message has changed to “We're out of time. The last grain of sand has fallen. The time is now. My children must repent now." There’s a sense of urgency in his recent messages that leads me to believe that this will be happening very soon, much sooner than most people expect it to happen. These are some pretty credible people who absolutely have a direct connection to Jesus, and I do believe them. I can see and feel all of this happening, and started having visions and dreams myself regarding the rapture and tribulation beginning 10 years ago, but never did I feel that I would witness such an event in my lifetime. It blows my mind really.

Going back to the two moons that are going to appear later this month, I find this absolutely fascinating and honestly don’t know if there is a connection between this event and the rapture that’s coming ahead, and I do realize that no one will know the exact date or time that this will happen. All I know is that it will happen soon.

If there is anything that you can contribute to the above to help connect the dots please feel free to comment below. I’m totally invested!

Keep your head up towards the sky and form a relationship with Jesus that is authentic and willing!


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