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💙🙏📢✨ FREE THROAT CHAKRA DISTANCE REIKI HEALING SESSION 💙🙏📢✨ Audra Loibl, Certified Reiki Master Practitioner I'm going to be working on healing the throat chakra tonight at 8:00pm CST, USA for those who put their name down in the comments. Feel free to put other names on the list that are in need of healing as well. This will be done via distance Reiki. I will be ending the session with the intention of the energy healing continuing for 24hrs beyond the scheduled time so that everyone from around the world will have the opportunity to participate. Please feel free to LIKE and SHARE this post for others to participate as well, and we'll share our love and healing with all. 🌷🙏🌷🕉️ A blocked throat chakra can significantly impact your ability to communicate effectively for fear of ridicule and judgement. A throat chakra blockage can also manifest as the inability to express and realize your truth in the world. When the fifth chakra is open and balanced, you are able to express yourself clearly and honestly in any situation with confidence. 💙 COMMON SIGNS OF A THROAT CHAKRA BLOCKAGE You may find yourself unable to speak your truth when you need it the most, or holding back on expressing your needs and desires. Perhaps, you long for realizing your dreams and living with a strong and clear purpose, but seem to not be able to quite get there. These are common signs that your throat chakra does not function at its optimal level. 💙 PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS OF BLOCKED ENERGY IN THE THROAT CHAKRA When the throat chakra is blocked or otherwise imbalanced, energy flow is hindered and can lead to physical symptoms affecting the head, mouth, throat, and neck. It is not uncommon to experience neck pain, headaches, hoarseness, and sore throat when the flow of energy through the throat chakra is disrupted. SOME COMMON PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS OF BLOCKAGE INCLUDE: • Chronic Sore Throat • Frequent Headaches • Dental Issues • Mouth Ulcers • Hoarseness • Thyroid Problems • Laryngitis • Temporomandibular Disorders of the Jaw (commonly known as TMJ) • Neck Pain Consequently, the blockage can also impact your physical health. When you experience such signs of physical discomfort, healing practices focusing on the upper body area, in particular your neck and shoulders, can bring relief and allow energy to move more freely. Of course, for serious and recurring symptoms, please consult a physician whom you trust. 💙 EMOTIONAL SIGNS OF A THROAT CHAKRA BLOCKAGE: When the throat chakra is imbalanced, the blockage can also manifest through non-physical symptoms that may impact you at various levels from psychological and emotional, to psychically and spiritually. NON-PHYSICAL SIGNS OF BLOCKAGE CAN BE MORE PREVALENT. AMONG THE MORE COMMON SIGNS ARE: • Fear of Speaking • Inability to Express Thoughts • Shyness • Inconsistency in Speech and Actions • Social Anxiety • Inhibited Creativity • Stubbornness • Detachment For instance, perpetuated blockages that are fairly significant can cause one to become arrogant, deceptive, domineering, or manipulative. On the contrary, energy that flows freely through the throat chakra promotes effective, truthful communication. You are able to “find you.” You are confident, responsible, and can easily find the right words to express your thoughts. A blockage of the throat chakra can cause you to become stoic, quiet, and fearful. The imbalance may also create feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and shyness when it comes to self-expression and speaking to others. Public speaking can cause near paralysis when the issue is a blocked fifth chakra. An imbalance in the throat chakra can adversely affect many aspects of your personal and professional life. You may find you avoid social situations and are more comfortable alone. You may even become distrustful of your inner voice. 💙🙏📢✨ For a full Reiki session, please visit my website at

FREE Throat Chakra Reiki Healing Session - Audra Loibl, Psychic Medium & Intuitive Coach & Certified Reiki Master Practitioner

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