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Image by Denys Striyeshyn
Audra Gordon Psychic Medium 1aa_edited_edited_edited.jpg

Student Mentoring


Must already be enrolled in the Psychic Mediumship Course.


This service is all-inclusive of the course. There won't be additional fees to participate in one-on-one mentoring with me. 


To enroll in the course click below.






How It  Works

I will guide you through the process of building a connection so that you can maneuver through your readings using the techniques learned in the development course. You'll learn to relay more accurate evidence, build trust in yourself and the spirit world as you develop your abilities to hear, see and feel the living and those in spirit. You will get to experience and develop your own abilities to where you can consciously tune in for others, and bring through insights and guidance for them. This will be evidence-based learning, so bringing details into your readings will be our main goal.


Mentoring can be implemented at any time during or after the course has been completed.



T H E   P R O C E S S


Go into this without having any expectations. This is a safe place for you to put into practice what you're learning while having a lot of support through the process. I will help to elevate your efforts to new levels and will be by your side for as long as you need me.


Please be sure to meditate prior to our call so that you're in a higher state of consciousness and are ready to go, as it will help with the blending process and your connection to spirit. I recommend doing any form of Sitting In The Power. Please also complete the full pre-reading setup that is provided to you in the course.


This session will block an hour's time, however, it can last anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour, depending on how much practicing you're wanting to do.



Click to book your free mentoring session.







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